
The Bunco group

If you enjoy an evening of fun and fellowship, partnered with much laughter, then the
Bunco Interest Group is for you! This group meets year round on the fourth Tuesday of each
month at 6:30 pm, with the exception of the month of December. Monthly gatherings are
held at the St. Peter Street, South Bend home of member Barbara Ewing.

You may ask, “what is Bunco” or “is Bunco easy to learn”? Bunco is a fast-moving, social
dice game. It is played with a group of twelve players, with substitute players often needed
for the monthly play. And, “yes”, Bunco is very easy to learn and first time players can join in
immediately after a short lesson.

Those attending contribute $2.00 each to help defray the cost of the prizes. Members also
contribute sweet and savory snacks for those participating to enjoy throughout the evening.
Co-hosts Susan Brown and Barbara Ewing provide a variety of drinks for the evening.
If you are interested in being part of the Bunco fun, please contact the Bunco co-chairs.

Barbara Ewing, co-chair                       Susan Brown, co-chair
cwewin1@psci.net                               browniesue47@gmail.com